miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2019

Tips to choose the costume of your dog


  • Make it comfortable
  • That's is secure
  • That doesn't cause heat
  • Do not wear makeup
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Ten tips to cook for the dog

Home cooking is an option to feed the dog, but can only replace commercial foods (feed and cans) when a balanced diet is prepared, with the supervision of the veterinarian or canine nutritionist.

 Each dog has different nutritional needs, which not only depend on their weight. Therefore, it is not valid to obtain a basic homemade diet and recalculate the necessary quantities based on the kilograms of the can.

 The homemade dishes allow cooking without danger for allergic dogs or with special nutritional requirements. But always with the approval of the veterinarian.

 Most homemade recipes for canna do not serve as an exclusive diet: in these cases, commercial nutritional supplements-especially vitamin B12, in vegetarian diets-are essential and must be prescribed by the doctor.

 High-end commercial diets are made with care. Its nutrients and components are balanced to meet the dog's food needs. To achieve the same with a homemade diet, it must be designed with care by a canine nutritionist.

 The dishes cooked for the dog should not contain an excessive number of ingredients: the digestive system of a dog is not the same as the human. Four or five are enough.

The dogs do not admit frequent changes in the feeding, as we accept the people. This explains the importance of developing a healthy and balanced diet, with veterinary supervision.

 To design a homemade diet for dogs, it is essential to know their dietary needs: both the number of daily calories required, and the amount of vitamins and other essential nutrients.

 There are certain foods that are prohibited for the dog, which are toxic even in small amounts. Chocolate, onion, garlic, raisins, grapes and avocado are among them. You should also avoid salt and sugar, as well as avoid raw pork.

 Food allergies in dogs are not strange. When diagnosed, it is essential to eliminate the components that produce them. And to prevent hazards, it is essential to incorporate the new ingredients of the dog's homemade diet gradually, in small quantities.

Tuna snacks for the dog


The contents of a couple of cans of tuna are crushed (better, low in salt and no oil). Add a beaten egg and half a glass of hot water to make a dough. The mixture is moved with the help of a fork. Once it has a homogeneous consistency, the caprices are introduced in the oven (about ten minutes) or in the microwave, they are left to cool slightly and voilà! They are ready to delight the furry friend.
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martes, 19 de marzo de 2019

Dingo, the wild dog of Australia


It usually can measure about 50 and 60cm and its weight could be between 20 and 30kg.
Its pelage could be reddish and brown and its eyes could be yellow or other tonalities.
In Australia, many people adopt a dingo as a pet. Their behavior has more to do with the wolf than with the dog because the dingoes tend to be nomads and although there are solitary dingoes, they live in herds.
Despite this, there is also a center in which these canids are domesticated.

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miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2019

The most faithful dogs


  • Bloodhound
Resultado de imagen para cachorro bloodhound
  • Boxer 
Resultado de imagen para cachorro boxer
  • American Bully
Resultado de imagen para cachorro american bully
  • `Parson Rusell Terrier
Resultado de imagen para parson russell terrier cachorro
  • Chihuahua
Resultado de imagen para chihuahua cachorro
  • Harrier
Resultado de imagen para harrier cachorro
  • Spanish Mastin
Resultado de imagen para mastin español cachorro
  • Petit Brabaçon
Resultado de imagen para petit brabaçon cachorro
  • Caniche
Resultado de imagen para caniche cachorro
  • Keeshond
Resultado de imagen para keeshond cachorro
  • San Bernardo
Resultado de imagen para san bernardo cachorro
  • Cocker Spaniel Ingles
Resultado de imagen para cocker spaniel inglés cachorro
  • Jack Russel Terrier
Resultado de imagen para jack russell terrier cachorro
  • Pomerian
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The different timid dogs breeds


  • Terrier Tibetan
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  • Akita Inu
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  • Perkins dog
Resultado de imagen para perro perkins cachorro
  • Spanish Galgo
Resultado de imagen para galgo español cachorro
  • American Akita
Resultado de imagen para akita americano cachorro
  • Weimaraner
Resultado de imagen para weimaraner cachorro
  • Whippèt
Resultado de imagen para whippet cachorro
  • Dalmata
Resultado de imagen para dalmata cachorro
  • Beauceron
Resultado de imagen para beauceron cachorro
  • Shiba Inu
Resultado de imagen para shiba inu cachorro
  • Lhasa Apso
Resultado de imagen para lhasa apso cachorro
  • Husky Siberiano
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martes, 12 de marzo de 2019

The most social dogs breeds


  • Boxer
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  • American Bully
Resultado de imagen para american bully cachorros
  • Xoloitzcuintle
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  • Chihuahua
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  • Harrier
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  • Italian Greyhound
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  • Miniature Schnauzer
Resultado de imagen para schnauzer miniatura cachorros
  • Samoyed
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  • Keeshond
Resultado de imagen para keeshond cachorros
  • Norfolk Terrier
Resultado de imagen para norfolk terrier cachorros
  • Prague Mouse
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The most active dogs breeds


  • Border Collie
Resultado de imagen para border collie cachorro
  • Jack Russer Terrier
Resultado de imagen para jack russell terrier cachorro
  • Dalmata
Resultado de imagen para dalmata cachorro
  • Beagle
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  • Golden Retriever
Resultado de imagen para golden retriever cachorro
  • Cooker
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  • Boxer
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  • American Bully
Resultado de imagen para american bully cachorros
  • Pomsky
Resultado de imagen para pomsky cachorros

  • Chihuahua
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  • Rottweiler
Resultado de imagen para rottweiler cachorros
  • Harier
Resultado de imagen para harrier cachorros
  • Griffon Belga
Resultado de imagen para grifon belga cachorros
  • Pinscher Miniatura
Resultado de imagen para cachorros pinscher miniatura
  • Border Terrier
Resultado de imagen para cachorros border terrier

What means my dog bark

TYPES Territorial Alert Fear Play Catch attention Frustrated Stress etc.