miércoles, 30 de enero de 2019

Dogs razes and their characteristics pt.4


he is of athletic body, of powerful musculature and of face of few friendly. It has a square structure and strong bones. Its hair is short and bright and can be of color brindle or tawny together (the tones go from the dark red of deer to the leonado sand).
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dedicated to my little dog who died last year

Razes of dogs and their characteristics pt.3

 It has a solid and compact structure. The ears are small, stiff and rounded at the tips and have a thick tail and curled forward. His limbs are strong, powerful and heavy bones. The outer layer of the coat is smooth hair and hard texture and in the inner one has abundant fine hair. The Akita Inu can be of various colors such as white, gray or tabby.
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His body is very hairy, compact and muscular. Your eyes can range from hazelnut to blue (you can even have one of each). It has triangular ears, erect and close to each other. The tail usually carries curved over the back and fall when it is at rest. His hair is medium length, straight and smooth and the undercoat is soft and dense. Husky brands can be all colors, from black to pure white.
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Razes of dogs and their characteristics pt.2

The Pomerania is a small, robust and compact dog that moves nimbly and that has a charm with a certain pride and majesty that makes us think that it has a big heart inside that small body.

The beautiful «fox» head of the Pomeranian and its lovely expressions are highlighted by its small and stiff ears. The tail, with its abundant fur, is carried over the back, reaching to the head and helping to create the impression of a circle.
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 is a robust, compact, powerful and wide dog. It has a fairly large head in relation to the body where the skin is loose and wrinkled. The snout is short and wide and the lips are thick and hanging. Its legs are short, strong and muscular. 

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lunes, 28 de enero de 2019

Dog races and their characteristics pt.1


Today we are gonna talk about only  2 razes of dogs we are gonna start with these ones and then we will continue in another part there will be 4 parts in total so only will be 8 if you want another art just tell me 

Chihuahuas are loyal and friendly and good family pets when they threated respectfully.
  • Male: 2-6 lbs. 
    Female: 2-6 lbs.
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He has a characteristic with a laid-back attitude and an undershot jaw and a curled tail

  • Male: 14-18 lbs. Female: 14-18 lbs.
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lunes, 14 de enero de 2019


Hi my name is Francia I am a student of the middle school, I like too much the dogs I have one pitbull and his name is Parche 

I will be writing about some things about dogs like

  • Raze
  • Characteristics
  • Etc.
You may follow me if you want to learn more things about dogs 

What means my dog bark

TYPES Territorial Alert Fear Play Catch attention Frustrated Stress etc.