jueves, 14 de febrero de 2019

Presents for your dog

Ok in this blog I will tell you some presents you can do to your dog


  • A nail filer

regalos para nuestras mascotas 1

  • Seat belt for the car

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  • A special site for their accessories

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  • A raincoat with umbrella

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  • Source for dogs

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  • Some false mustaches

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  • An elegant identify plack

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  • A pool for summer

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  • A toy that will always be happy

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  • A viewer for dogs

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  • Floats to enjoy the pool

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Ideas for your dog birthday

I never do a party for my dog but I really want to do that so I search for some things about what you can do to your dog on their birthday so here are the things please enjoy it


  1. Choose the indicate place
  2. Invitations for pets and owners
  3. The food and the cake don't use toxic food for the food and the cake
  4. Activities for realize
  5. Presents and souvenirs
So yes this is the tips you need to do an incredible party to your furry friend

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Today I will do something different I will show u only images for...halloween pets costumes they will be 2 parts dogs and cats enjoy it 

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How to drive with your pet

Today I'm gonna show you some tips about how you can drive with your pet

  • If you have a puppy or your pet have never been in a car start by raising it with the engine off so it can get familiar little by little
  • Do not feed your pet just before living  feed him at least 3 hours before
  • Take some toys or objects that they like to chew for the road so he could calm their anxiety
  • Put an identification plate on your dog and when they get out of the care to secure it with a leash
  • Never leave your dog alone in the car because it could suffer a heat stroke
  • Try to stop at least every 2 hours 
  • If you have to leave for a special case your dog alone in the car look for shade and lower the windows of the car a little so they will not suffer a heat stroke
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Why do my dog bark


  1. The dog bark to communicate and this is one of his or her way to vocalize
  2. Barking out of fear is also very frequent, accompanied by other bodily signs
  3.  To play. Barking and grunting are found on the display of the game behavior
  4. On the hunt
  5. Problems related to the separation of the owner
  6. Alarm. Any known or unknown stimulus can cause a dog to bark momentarily
  7. Strengthened by the owner this is one very common 
  8. Demand for attention to play
  9. Territorial
  10. Pain
  11. Repetitive behavior
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martes, 12 de febrero de 2019

Why do your dog licks you

Why does my dog lick me is a question that I bean asking myself. They lick you for a range of normal behavior to an emotional need. Now I will give you 5 reasons why do your dog lick you.

  1. Lick people to meet them
  2. Sometimes is because your dog like your flavor
  3. Lick as an act of submission
  4. Lick as an anxiety
  5. Licks because he likes you
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How to calm your afraid dog

Dogs like us can also experience anxiety and stress in some cases so steadily and continuously that it can be a really big problem for the owner.


  • Discard the presence of any diseases
  • Use calm signals
  • Use feromones
  • Veterinary description medication
  • Especial food 

Tips so your puppy will not cry

Many owners have some doubts about what to do at the first puppy night at home.
So what I'm going to show you today are some recommendations for what to do with your puppies first night.

  • The adaptation period of the puppy must be respected
  • Do not overwhelm the puppy with excessive attention during the first hours and days
  • Do not punish, shout or threaten
  • Do not expose the puppy to many stimuli
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viernes, 8 de febrero de 2019

How to keep fresh to your dog in summer

Today in this blog we are gonna know and discover how to keep fresh your dog in this summer and believe me your dog will be thank full for you 


  • Keep he hydrated
Leave fresh, clean water available for 24 a day and periodically check for water in the water though and that the water though is not full in the sun 
  • Prepare homemade ice cream 
With the ice you can also prepare homemade toys.

To do this you only need an ice cream mold or a plastic container, a little water and a few grains of feed. The feed is mixed with the water and when the water has frozen, the block of ice is removed, it is passed under the water so that the tongue does not get caught, and it is given to the dog. 
  • Protect it from the sun
    It is very important that the dog has a cool place and protected from the sun to rest, especially in the warmer hours of the day.

miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2019

Foods Prohibited to our pets

Foods Prohibited 

  1. Bones
  2. Chocolate
  3. Fat
  4. Onion
  5. Alcohol
  6. Dairy Products
  7. Xylitol
  8. Human Medicines
  9. Grapes
  10. Avocado
  11. Raisins
  12. Macadamia Nuts
  13. Garlic
  14. Ice Cream
  15. Cheese
  16. Apples Hearts
  17. Salt
  18. Pomegranate
  19. Sugar and Candies
  20. Almonds
  21. Moldy Foods
  22. Raw Eggs
  23. Coffee
  24. Leeks
  25. Liver
  26. Yeast
  27. Persimmons
  28. Peaches
  29. Lemon
  30. Orange
  31. Mushrooms
  32. Raw Fish
  33. Cats Foods
  34. Baby's foods
  35. Tobacco
  36. Determines species with capsaicin
  37. Seeds
  38. Tea
  39. Ferments
  40. Pecan Nuts
  41. Chard
  42. Spinach
  43. Plums
  44. Cabbages
  45. Eggplant
  46. Blue Fish
  47. Unripe Tomato
  48. Potato
  49. Cantaloupe
  50. Banana
Resultado de imagen para alimentos prohibidos para perros

Care About The Pugs


  • Clean her or his wrinkles
  • Provide her or his with the right food 
  • Make sure her or his bed is in an cold place
  • Keep her or his ears clean
  • Use preferably an extendable strap
  • Avoid overfeeding
  • Do not give him bones that are chicken or bones that are very small.

viernes, 1 de febrero de 2019

Heatstroke to dogs


  1. The body temperature more than 42
  2. Tachycardias
  3. Excessive panting
  4. Sticky and discolored or too dark tongue 
  5. Stupor and wobble, with the possible loss of conscious
  6. Diarrhea and vomiting 

  1. Move the dog to a cool, shady place and fan it. Put a wet cloth on the head.
  2. Bathe our pet with cold water (not very cold and without cubes).
  3. Take our dog to the vet urgently to rule out possible problems in internal organs due to heat stroke.


Here are some diseases that could past to your dog


  1. Otitis
  2. Distemper
  3. Sarna
  4. Atrotis
  5. Parasits
  6. Parvovirus
  7. Gastritis
  8. Leishmaniosis

Resultado de imagen para enfermedades de los perros


Here are some tips you can do if you want to your puppy to make tricks


  1. Before you start is recommended to be calm you can take a cup of tea or sleep 
  2. Select the perfect place
  3. Procure your pet is calm
  4. Design a plan of how many exercises 
  5. Give an order just one time
  6. Speak slowly and clarify 
  7. Only talk the necessary to the pet 
  8. Don't carry the pet during the exercises
  9. Repeat only if the can do not understand the instruction 
  10. Use a motivate object

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Chlothes and tips for your dog for winter

We are gonna give some examples of clothes and tips for your dog in this cold winter 


Resultado de imagen para ropa de invierno para perros
  • Sweater 
Resultado de imagen para ropa de invierno para perros 
  • Scarf and wool hat
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  • Pijama
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  • Vest

  1.   Carry out a medical checkup for dogs and provide a supplement that helps cope with bad weather,sthrengthening their deffenses and immunitative system,especially in dogs over 7 years
  2. Have the vaccinations of the day
3. Avoid temperature changes and shelter pets when going out

What means my dog bark

TYPES Territorial Alert Fear Play Catch attention Frustrated Stress etc.